How to start the day off right: building healthy habits to improve your mood

Whether you’re moving to a new place or enjoying where you are, life can get busy. Every day is an opportunity to press the restart button, to start fresh, and take control of your outlook on the day ahead. Building healthy habits looks different for everyone, so here are a few ideas to get you started!

Ideas for Building Healthy Habits

Start Moving

One of the first things you should do when you wake up is move your body. Hit the gym for a morning workout, take a walk or a run outside, or roll out a mat at home to stretch.

By engaging in some form of movement first thing in the morning, you’re stimulating your mind and body, preparing yourself to kick off the day on the right note. Do what feels right for your body so that it’s within your capabilities.

Get Some Sun

Vitamin D can help boost your immune system, your mood, and your skin. Getting some sun can be as simple as opening your blinds when you wake up.

If you want to take it a step further, take a walk outside for 15 – 30 minutes to let the fresh air naturally wake you up. You can also spend a day working outside if you have a table or patio area to set up your work. You’ll see nature, birds, and plants while taking in the fresh air.

Look at the Day Ahead

Before you look at the screens (phone included), look at what you have planned for the day ahead. Think about any meetings you need to prepare for, prioritize your work, and schedule your tasks in a way that works for your workload so you can conquer the day.

Waking up your mind without screens will help you ease into the day with your job, your business, and the people in your life, helping you take control of what you see before the online world takes over.

Write it Down

This can be paired with “look at the day ahead.” Write down your goals for the day. Pick at least one task that will help you achieve one of those goals to focus on. Ex: “I want to move the furniture out of my room. To do this, I’ll play some music, turn off my notifications, and get moving.” Write down your main goal on a sticky note, in a planner, a dry erase board, or a notebook so that you have a physical copy of it. Your goal can seem more realistic if you write it on paper rather than on a screen.

Eat Breakfast

Eating a meal before you start your day helps fuel your body! We’re not going to tell you to eat a hearty breakfast or give you a meal plan.

We understand everyone feels differently in the mornings, and we all have different food preferences. But eating some protein, carbs, and healthy fats in the morning can help fuel your brain, it can prevent headaches, and the meal can hold you over until lunchtime (or snack time!).

Drink Water

Okay, we’re going to make this one a requirement because your body needs water! Building healthy habits begins with incorporating something into your routine little by little.

To drink the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, think about how you can incorporate this healthy habit into your routine. You might even invest in one of those fancy 32 or 64 oz. water bottles to stay hydrated throughout the day! Whatever you do, make it work for your lifestyle.

Our Challenge to You

Choose one to two options from above to incorporate in your daily routine this week. We don’t want you to feel overwhelmed or go all in by trying to do everything all at once. We know that a little goes a long way. By adding one to two of these activities in your routine, you’ll be on your way to building healthy habits in the long term!